Did you ever have one of those days where your step seems a little bit quicker and the sun seems to shine brighter? You could be in love or you could have just experienced a fabulous author visit at Willow Dale Elementary. If you are guessing the latter, you would be correct! But I think love also wins since I have a warm spot in my heart for the teachers, staff, and children at the school. I spent my Cinco de Mayo with Mrs. Laatsch's First Grade class and the students from Ms. Oniskey's Second Grade. I did a reading of Peacock Parade, Question and Answer Session, and Heart Project with each class.
I began my day at 9:15am with First Grade and was greeted with many warm smiling faces, along with a freshly picked dandelion, drawing of a dandelion, and a lovely bouquet of white roses. The children had prepared for my visit by reading my Bio page on my website. I was so very impressed! They knew I liked roses, dogs, and of course, dandelions. I felt very special! We talked about connections and writing. They also decorated hearts for Be the Light of the Party Foundation's June party for the homeless at Saint John's Hospice in Philadelphia. The Principal stopped by to visit and one of the students asked me for my autograph (my first "out of book" autograph experience - very cool!). We finished the morning with an awesome group hug and a peacock feather wave (both of which are pictured below). They surprised me with a signed note at the end of the day. In the Second Grade class, the children presented me with a bunch of beautiful tulips. They hung a large, colorful poster, decorated and signed with all of their names. We talked about birthdays and writing, and I got to read a journal story. They spent some time thinking of unique "phrases of praise" for their hearts. We also took a group photo (pictured below).
What a great day! I'm sending my thanks, love, and gratitude to all the children, teachers, and staff of Willow Dale. You guys so totally rock!!
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