On Friday, November 18th, I made a special visit to my daughter Carly's 4th grade class at Jamison Elementary. I was warmly welcomed by her teacher, Mrs. DiLuigi, and her fellow classmates for Career Day. What a great day!! I read Peacock Parade to the children. We also talked about the career aspects of being a children's book author. I gave the children a handout with some writing tips and passed around one of my favorite writing "tools," The Holt Handbook. One of Carly's friends, Madison, gave me a copy of a play she wrote, "The Happy Hedgehog." It was so exciting to see a classroom alive with the spirit of writing!! I am thankful for such a great visit and also thankful to be doing a job I love. Sending special "thanks" to Mrs. DiLuigi for agreeing to have the children help with my heart project for charity. They will be preparing hearts with special "phrases of praise," just like Percy did in the story. I will be sending their decorated hearts to West London Churches Homeless Concern's night shelter over in London, England for the holidays.
Looks like the kids - and you - had a great time!